Practice Data Checking Test

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Sample Data Checking Questions

Updated 10 June 2021

Practice Data Checking Test

Data checking questions consist of items of data that must be checked against each other.

This type of test is used to measure how quickly and accurately errors can be detected.

Sample Data Checking QuestionsSample Data Checking Questions

This data may be either meaningless, for example account numbers, or may be fairly meaningful, for example names and addresses.

In both cases is vital to check each character rather than ‘read’ the data normally.

You should also bear in mind that there may be more than one error in any single piece of data.

These tests usually contain between 20 and 40 questions and take 10-20 minutes to complete.

It is important, although difficult, to maintain your concentration for the full duration of the test.

The speed at which you can answer these questions is the critical measure, as most people could achieve a very high score given unlimited time in which to answer.

Example Data Checking Questions

Find the two identical codes on each line and circle the corresponding letters on the right.


A B C D E  
  1QhJp 1Qhjp 1QhJp 1QhJP 1QkJp A  B  C  D  E


A B C D E  
  V%4k V*/4k V*%4K V*%4k V*%4k A  B  C  D  E


A B C D E  
  sSAAa sS4Aa SS4Aa SSAAa sS4Aa A  B  C  D  E


A B C D E  
  Is5Sii Is5Sji Is5Sij Is5Sij is5SijS A  B  C  D  E
5 A B C D E  
  L873E LB73E LB78E L873E L878E A  B  C  D  E
6 A B C D E  
  pGeCC pCeCc pGeCc pGeCG pGeCc A  B  C  D  E
7 A B C D E  
  FaFAf FafAf FafAF FafAf FefAf A  B  C  D  E
8 A B C D E  
  9g6dB 9g6bB 986bB 9g6bB 986dB A  B  C  D  E
9 A B C D E  
  Ogt7G Qgt7G Qgt7G Ogy7G Og7tG A  B  C  D  E
10 A B C D E  
  B8B98 BBb89 B8b89 BBb98 B8b89 A  B  C  D  E
11 A B C D E  
  2vuuw 2vww 2vuuw 2wuw 2wwv A  B  C  D  E
12 A B C D E  
  5S5ihj 5S5hij 5Si5hj 5S5hj 5S5hj A  B  C  D  E
13 A B C D E  
  B6r%2 B6r/2 B6%2 B6r/i2 B6r/2 A  B  C  D  E
14 A B C D E  
  T4z2k T4z2K T4Z2k T4Z2k T4Z2K A  B  C  D  E

Answer at the bottom of the page.


  1. AC
  2. DE
  3. BE
  4. CD
  5. AD
  6. CE
  7. BD
  8. BE
  9. BC
  10. CE
  11. AC
  12. DE
  13. BE

14) CD

Practice Data Checking Test