Practice Spelling Tests

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Practice Spelling Tests

Updated 10 June 2021

Practice Spelling Tests

Spelling Practice Tests

Questions where you have to identify incorrectly spelt words are common in all levels of verbal ability tests

The test designer needs to choose commonly misspelled words which are in regular use, as it would be unfair to use obscure words which only a small percentage of candidates could be expected to know.

This means that the test designer has a relatively restricted list of words to choose from and you will find that the same words tend to appear in many different suppliers tests.

Online Verbal Ability – Practice Test

Download Verbal Ability Spelling – Practice Test

Many test suppliers frame their spelling questions in a different way to those in this practice test.

For example:

  1. Choose the pair of words that best completes the sentence.

The -------- of the timetable caused some ----------.

A) rivision

B) revision

C) revission

D) revition

A) inconvenience

B) inconvenince

C) inconveneince

D) inconvenience

However, what is being tested here is your ability to spell these words correctly rather than anything else.

Improving your performance on these spelling questions is straightforward.

Practice Spelling TestsPractice Spelling Tests

The Verbal Reasoning eBook available from this website contains the 300 most commonly used words for this type of test.

If you work through the test papers methodically and make a note of the ones you get wrong, it will give you a list of words that you need to learn to spell correctly.

These types of question appear in all levels of verbal ability tests.

This sample question paper contains 75 questions and has a suggested time limit of 10 minutes.

The questions are presented in Letter/A4 format for easy printing and self-marking.

Practice Spelling Tests