ieGAT Practice Test

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Complete Guide to the ieGAT

Updated 10 June 2021

ieGAT Practice Test

Developed by IE University in Spain, the IE Global Admissions test (also referred to as the ieGAT) assesses a student’s decision-making capabilities in highly pressured situations.

It tests for verbal and numerical comprehension abilities as well as logical and abstract reasoning skills.

The ieGAT is accessible globally and not affiliated with any particular curriculum or education system; therefore, all candidates should have an equal chance at being successful.

The test is comprised of six key parts relating to the specific program that is being applied for. Candidates are required to apply logical solutions to problems and scenarios they are presented with.

Why Is the ieGAT Used?

The test was developed to screen students applying for university. Available in both English and Spanish, it is required for applications to most of IE University’s Master’s Programs.

The ieGAT can be taken as an alternative to other graduate admissions tests, such as the GMAT, GRE or LSAT tests, in some instances.

How Can I Prepare for the ieGAT?

The nature of the test dictates that no special preparation or studying is required.

The ieGAT’s official website does suggest that candidates should try to get a restful sleep the night before the exam; this should maximize students’ abilities to think clearly and answer coherently.

On the IE university website, there are videos illustrating some examples of the questions that could appear. Candidates can also go to JobTestPrep for a preparation pack including example questions. These will help with becoming familiar with the format of the test questions.

More general guides are available for logical reasoning, numerical reasoning, verbal comprehension and abstract reasoning. These will help with practicing the skills needed for, albeit not the format of, the test.

Once familiar with the format of the test, questions should be attempted under timed exam conditions to give a true representation of the candidate’s score.

Prepare for ieGAT

Is the Test Difficult?

The ieGAT does not test academic or general knowledge.

An ability to think logically, comprehend scenarios from text or numbers and perform under pressure is required. This means that how difficult the test feels will depend on the candidate’s critical thinking skills.

The assessment does use a multiple-choice format, which some students may find reassuring.

Do keep in mind that repeat tests are not allowed.

How Long Does the Test Last?

Candidates should expect the assessment to last between 90–120 minutes which includes some preparation time. Breaks are not allowed once the test has started.

Questions will not be answered regarding exam content once the assessment has commenced; therefore, it is essential to ask for clarification about anything beforehand.

An IE representative will be on hand to assist with any non-content-related issues that may occur during the examination.

How Does Scoring Work?

Students should attempt to answer as many questions as possible; remember, marks are awarded for precision as well as speed. Scores are calculated both on the number and accuracy of questions answered.

There are multiple sections and each one is not weighted equally.

The scores are not standardized, and pass marks are dependent on each institution.

What Exactly Is Being Tested For?

The ieGAT measures a student’s proficiency in the following key areas:

Verbal Reasoning and Comprehension

The verbal reasoning part of the test requires candidates to be able to order and extrapolate from information, and organize and understand economic data presented in word form.

This is shown by answering a set of multiple-choice questions relating to this.

Numerical Reasoning and Comprehension

The numerical comprehension section assesses a candidate’s ability to perform basic calculations as well as the strength of their quantitative reasoning skills (including distance, shapes, space and patterns).

Logical and Abstract Reasoning

This section of the exam has the fewest questions. It assesses a student’s ability to uncover complicated rules and find conclusions within abstract problems.

How Is the Test Formatted?

There are usually two options for taking the test: paper and pen or online.

Currently, all stages of the ieGAT process are available exclusively online due to the COVID-19 pandemic (except for candidates in South Korea, who are still able to register at the IE Business School Korea Office in Seoul on certain dates).

Paper and Pen

Traditionally, in the pen and paper format of the exam, there are two parts.

First, students are presented with four passages on economics. This is followed by nine related questions designed to test the students’ comprehension abilities.

The questions are in a multiple-choice format and include four options to select from. Some questions may have more than one correct answer.

In the second part of the ieGAT exam, candidates will face logical reasoning questions. These are similar to the questions that appear in the online version of the test.

Each subsequent section has approximately six questions, with four numerical/verbal reasoning sections and four logical thinking sections.


The online test is made of various multiple-choice elements. Candidates are presented with questions and information with the options to answer:

  • True
  • False
  • Cannot Say

Without any breaks, the test should take approximately 90 minutes. There are seven sections, each with its own instructions and time constraints:

Graphic Numerical Reasoning:

This section has 36 questions. Students should aim to complete this in 15 minutes.

Here, students are given graphs and other images and must decode information from them.

Verbal Reasoning:

This section has 49 questions. Students should aim to complete this in 12 minutes.

Here, students must read a passage of information and answer questions from it.

Applied Numeracy:

This section has 20 questions. It should be completed in 16 minutes.

Here, the exam assesses numerical abilities including understanding distance or area.

Deductive Logical Thinking:

This section is made up of 10 questions and should take only 5 minutes.

Here, students will have to identify the next symbol in a sequence, or which one relates to changes within a sequence.

Inductive Logical Thinking:

This section has 12 questions and should be finished within 12 minutes.

Here, students will have to assess and categorize shapes, following unspecified rules they must distill themselves.

Information Handling:

This section has only one question and will take around 15 minutes.

The information handling portion of the assessment will allow candidates to show how they can understand, prioritize and process the information they are given and their ability to follow instructions.


The final section has only one question. Students should have 15 minutes left to complete this part of the assessment.

Here, students may the opportunity to show their scope for creativity within problem-solving. They may be asked to create a unique image following a set of shapes or instructions.

Both forms of the test are essentially assessing the same skill competencies, even if they are in slightly different formats.

How to Access the Test

When taken online, the test is taken using a student’s own computer. Pen and paper tests are taken at an assessment center.

Regular dates for taking the ieGAT are available. Students must register for an upcoming session on the ieGAT website. Then, the test is connected to at the designated time using the student’s computer.

Previously, once students had signed-up, they were able to select a suitable time and location to take their exams. Due to the current restrictions relating to COVID-19, the IE University has made the entire application process available online to students internationally.

Basic calculators and a dictionary are allowed, though time constraints should be kept in mind when using these materials.

The registration and a minimum of 25% of the application process for IE University must be completed before sitting the ieGAT.

Details can be found on the ieGAT website.

All candidates should note that, once their test is completed, they have only 30 days to complete the application process before their test score is rendered inadmissible.

As the test cannot be retaken, it is advisable to be organized and complete everything required within the allotted time.

Sample Questions

Question 1:


Three university friends decide to make a big effort to increase their savings by 90% over three months but only one succeeded. Which of the three managed to do so?_

a) Tim
b) Jenny

c) Mary

Answer: b) Jenny

To calculate a percentage increase you first need to find how much you have increased between the starting number and the final savings amount.

In the case of Jenny,

Increase = 380 – 200 (final amount minus the starting amount)

This is 180

Then you divide this by the original number and turn into a percentage by multiplying by 100:

180 divided by 200 = 0.9 x 100 = 90%

Doing this for all of the university friends reveals:

Jenny = 90%
Mary = (150 – 80)/80 = 0.875 x 100 = 87.5%
Tim = (400 – 240)/240 = 0.6667 x 100 = 66.66%

Therefore, the only person to have achieved a 90% increase is Jenny.

Question 2:

Which is the missing combination of letters represented by the question mark?

KLMNO is to LOMN as XFRCI is to ?


Answer: a) FICR

To find the correct answer, you need to establish what is happening to the pattern. You will not be told any information on what has been changed.

From closer inspection, you will see that the first letter has been removed and the middle and last letter have been swapped. When applying this pattern to the second set of letters, we can see the answer is a) FICR.

As can be seen from these two example questions like those seen in the ieGAT, the answers can be correctly chosen based solely upon the information presented within the questions and the use of logic skills.

However, the IE University is keen to stress that the test cannot be studied for in advance due to the variable and unpredictable nature of the questions and any third-party websites offering practice papers or paid preparation programs are unofficial and not affiliated with the IE itself.

The official IE website has a small selection of videos that offer examples of the types of questions that can be found on the ieGAT.

What to Expect

The format of the test is outlined above. Once the registration is completed, the candidate will be sent further information and instructions on how to proceed with their application by the IE University. Before the exam date, students will be sent technical specifications so that they can ensure their device (laptop or computer) can access everything correctly.

On the day of the assessment, students are required to promptly arrive at the assessment center or log on (preferably 15 minutes before the exam time). Late arrivals will not be allowed to sit the exam. Students must have their valid ID ready.

The ieGAT is available in both English and Spanish. Students should take the exam in the language that correlates to the study program that they are applying for.

Some practice questions are supplied before the exam so students can become familiar with the format.

What Equipment Is Needed to Take the ieGAT?

To take the ieGAT online, all students are required to have:

  • A fully charged laptop/computer (with a working webcam)
  • Calculator
  • Pencil and scrap paper for notes/workings out

Students may be required to have:

  • Smartphone or tablet (if they are asked to video call with the admission’s committee staff)
  • Dictionary

Students Who Already Have a GMAT Score

The ieGAT can be taken by students who have already have a GMAT score. The admissions committee will evaluate both test scores when considering applications. They recommend that students who have a valid GMAT score disclose this when submitting their application for the ieGAT.

Prepare for ieGAT


The ieGAT can, in some cases, be taken as an alternative to other standardized academic tests and is a prerequisite for students to study many of the programs offered at IE University.

As it is not an exam of specific academic knowledge, it can be a very useful tool for students who wish to test their strengths in certain skill areas, particularly if they plan to enter the workplace in a role that will require them to take management-style decisions in a pressurized and/or high stakes environment.

Any student who feels unsure about anything relating to the ieGAT should contact their university admissions team or email for their expert advice.

ieGAT Practice Test